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International Journal of Gastroenterology Sciences

Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A (2019)

Varieties of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with coronary heart disease


Daminova LT, Kodirov Sh S, Sheck AB

Acute gastrointestinal bleeding (GB) is a complication of diseases of various etiologies, the most significant of which are acute erosive gastritis of medicinal origin, pathology of the cardiovascular system. Particularly relevant is the problem of GB in patients with coronary heart disease. The development of erosive GB in patients with coronary heart disease can also be promoted by taking antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs, for example, taking maintenance doses of aspirin increases the risk of GB by 1.8 times, clopidogrel-by 1.1 times, the combination of these drugs-by 7.4 times. The prognosis in patients with coronary heart disease, complicated by bleeding of their gastrointestinal tract, is worse, because the coronary reserve decreases, and problems of consequences of coronary catastrophe are aggravated by anemia, inevitable violations of regulation of homeostasis and homeokinesis of Central hemodynamics with violation of nitrogen release function of kidneys, with increase in serum creatinine.

Pages: 28-30  |  2286 Views  1307 Downloads

International Journal of Gastroenterology Sciences
How to cite this article:
Daminova LT, Kodirov Sh S, Sheck AB. Varieties of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with coronary heart disease. Int. J. Gastroenterol. Sci. 2019;1(1):28-30. DOI: 10.33545/26649209.2019.v1.i1a.5