S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 |
Diseases of the alimentary tract: A basic review
Dr. Siva Rami Reddy E
Int. J. Gastroenterol. Sci., 2019; 1(1): 01-07
2 |
Nipah virus: A Major threat to human
Sanjita Das, Naveen Kumar
Int. J. Gastroenterol. Sci., 2019; 1(1): 08-10
3 |
Targeted therapy in gastric cancer: Review of literature
Debbagh A, Slimani K, Sbitti Y, Mokhlisse M, Tanz R, Errihani, Ichou M
Int. J. Gastroenterol. Sci., 2019; 1(1): 11-20
4 |
Presenting an expert system for early diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases
Mirpouya Mirmozaffari
Int. J. Gastroenterol. Sci., 2019; 1(1): 21-27
5 |
Varieties of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with coronary heart disease
Daminova LT, Kodirov Sh S, Sheck AB
Int. J. Gastroenterol. Sci., 2019; 1(1): 28-30
6 |
Henoch-Schönlein purpura presenting as organic gastric outlet obstruction case report
Elena Santori, Loredana Pettine, Paolo Adamoli, Giorgio M Baratelli
Int. J. Gastroenterol. Sci., 2019; 1(1): 31-32
7 |
Post-cholecystectomy vascular and biliary injury resulting in hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm presenting with hemobilia and bile leak- a rare complication and surgical managementÂ
Dr. Aniket Zarkar and Bharat Kalambe
Int. J. Gastroenterol. Sci., 2019; 1(1): 33-35